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The naked truth: Kim Kardashian dispelled doubts about her pregnancy

Kim Kardashian pregnant published on Instagram shot where captured posing nude. Thus, tv star decided to dispel the doubts of the public about their interesting situation.

First of all say that I am too thin to be pregnant, so this is a sham ... Now everyone says I am too fat, so it is a sham. You know me too well and understand that if I decided to use the services of a surrogate mother, told about this,

- left a signature under the photo of Kardashian, noting that all women pregnancy differently and hateful comments Internet users it is not concerned with:

Everyone is different, every woman's pregnancy is unique! I learned to love my body at each stage! And I thank God that this time the comments that you leave my address doesn't excite me!

As we have informed, in the beginning of June, it was reported on the second pregnancy Kim: joyful news tv star shared with his sister, Lois in the teaser trailer of the new episode of the reality show "the Kardashian Family. Later, Kardashian said that she and West will be born a boy.

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