Casper Smart

Insiders: Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart would marry in October

Insiders: Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart would marry in October

It looks like rumors that singer Jennifer Lopez and dancer Casper Smart back together, turned out to be true. A source close to the Hollywood couple, said that lovers are going to get married this fall.

According to the source, Jennifer Casper and happy together and saw no reason to delay the wedding. When this couple tries not to advertise their relations, and the wedding will be a mystery, surrounded by your closest friends and certainly without journalists.

It makes everything so it's left to a secret because I don't want to see someone pressed on her in this decision,
- an insider says.

We remind that Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart were relations with the 2011 to 2014 onwards, but before marriage thing didn't come. Just a couple of months ago, media reported that Lopez and smart together again. Most recently, the singer stated that she wants more children, that has pushed to think of that as the father she sees it is Smart.

If the wedding with Casper still takes place, it can be said that the new trend among celebrities-marry your ex (as Elon Musk). By the way, Jennifer generally likes to play the role of a bride. The singer was already married to waiter Ohani Noa, dancer Chris Judd and musician Marc Anthony.

Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart would marry

Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart would marry

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