celeb news

Pamela Anderson wrote an open letter to Vladimir Putin

Pamela Anderson wrote an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin, asking the policy override the Northern sea route ship Winter Bay, which are about two thousand tonnes of fin whale meat.

Pamela Anderson wrote an open letter to Vladimir Putin

Winter boat Bay, located now in Norwegian port, carries more than 1.7 thousand tonnes of fin whale meat, who were killed in bypassing the moratoria of the International Whaling Commission. My personal request-do not let the ship passed through Russian waters!
- the actress wrote.

Environmentalists and animal rights activists note that the hunting of fin whales (cetaceans Mecoptera) was banned in 1982, but in 2006 year Iceland unilaterally violated international agreements. Now the population of fin whales is on the brink of annihilation.

Add that Pamela Anderson is one of the most famous Hollywood celebrities, actively fighting for animal rights. Previously, star of the television series "Baywatch" participated in PETA'S campaigns, as well as campaigning against whaling in Canada.

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