Duchess Catherine

Duchess Catherine made the cut for £ 600

Duchess Catherine made a haircut called The Method in the cabin of the Italian stylist Rossano Ferretti. Cost hairstyle was 600 pounds.

Rossano Ferreti - known Star hairdresser, whose services are regularly used by Angelina Jolie, Salma Hayek and Pippa Middleton. So he even patented his trademark technique haircuts The Method. The first salon in London Ferreti opened recently. In each of his twenty salons open worldwide stylists all workers are required to master The Method

So, what implies branded haircut for 600 pounds? Instead of direct and horizontal movements of arms wizard performs fast, upward "cuts": every three seconds. The result? Very natural way, which allows you to expand the natural texture of the hair. In addition, The Method is suitable for short and long hair. That is why both royals - Princess Diana and Duchess Catherine - were happy with the result.

Sam Ferretti told the following:

When I cut hair, you do not see the scissors - in your field of vision only result my work. In fact, you may not even be able to put into words what I did, but you will see your own change. Each segment of the head is different: one piece hair grows in one direction, another in another, so it is important to make such a hairstyle that will make the most of natural hair.

Well, no wonder the Duchess Catherine changed stylist.

Duchess Catherine, haircut

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