
Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry sing at karaoke

Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry sing at karaoke

We all know that Robert Pattinson and Katy Perry - friends, but do not know how long they are friends. It appears, at least since 2008, that is, before the release of "Twilight," the network got an old video of Robert and Kathy, have thoroughly drunk, sing in a karaoke hit love Boyz II Men "I'll Make Love to You", and at some point, Katie is in a timid lap.

According to rumors, it happened at the birthday party of a mutual friend of Rob and Kathy. It is not known whether there anatomies couple, or they were friends - but behave citizens uninhibited and free. Well, nice to see Robert, who is not trapped and does not afraid of anything in the world-even singing out of tune.

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