Cristina Cordula

Cristina Cordula: Because of my accent, I almost never do TV!

The nicest relookeuse PAF, always a hit both on M6, confided: golf, projects, privacy, balance it all 

Cristina Cordula is a real passion for fashion, and it is! and it explains his choices and his success on television. At the time, when it arrives in 2004 with the M6 ​​New look for a new life, she had no idea of ​​the success that awaited him. Nine years later, she still a hit as much, and hosts a new show for this year, Queens shopping. 

In an interview with Tele 7 Jours, the designer of 48 years back on his career and explains whence came the idea to do this job: "I stopped modeling at 31 years old when I had my son Enzo I wanted to stay in the world of fashion and I decided to open. a consultancy picture. An idea came from the United States and England, countries where there is much less taboo in France. was okay in a coach to the gym, why not go- we see someone not to dress? "she loose. 

In 2002, she begins by opening her image consulting agency in Paris. Two years later, she participated in the casting of a new issue: the one who has made known today. However, the beginnings were heated: "Because my accent, I almost never make the TV editor of the time had not kept me (...) Then a new editor-in-chief. She was named found me on rushes and says:.! 'How is it possible not to have chosen this girl.' ", she says 

>>" To a moment I considered to be a doctor "

known for its soft and expansive expressions, Cristina talks about his Brazilian origins." Brazilians are demonstrative I've always been very communicative, I want it to my mother. This is part of my culture. " Born in Rio de Janeiro, she pours a little more about his youth: "I had a very happy childhood I lived before the Flamengo beach in Rio We went there with my mother and my brother 6.. the morning. My parents were part of the Brazilian bourgeoisie. My father was a businessman, my mother sociologist and art critic. " They are the ones who encouraged quickly to do what she loves: "They paid me to study journalism Anyway, as I love to talk, I had to make a business communication At.. moment I considered to be a doctor, but when I went to the hospital to see how things were going, I quickly turned around, "she jokes. 

In 17 years, the young model arrived in Europe, first in Spain, then in France. Today, she admits to feel at home: "I love the language, and then the French are much more elegant than the Americans I know the French mentality now Sure they do.. joviality not Brazilian, but I'm used to it. I get along with the French and they make me well. "

Finally, she talks about her 19 year old son, Enzo, and his dress sense: "When he was little, I gave my notice today, I do not really have the right is a fan of basketball, I would prefer he put shoes laces But... Now he enters a trade school, he will have to put the suit. I'll have fun! "she says with humor. Like mother, like son?

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