Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch: 'Now I'm in no hurry to marry'

A favorite of women, "the best Sherlock stories" by the Telegraph Benedict Cumberbatch has become a hero September issue of the Japanese edition of Elle, which honestly - he is in no hurry to get married.

Well, that would explain the recent behavior of the actor. Recall, a difference of one week Mr. Cumberbatch photographed with two different girls: first kissing with our compatriot Ekaterina Anna, and later walking hand in hand with "mysterious stranger" (secret, by the way, Western journalists have already revealed, but more on that later).

return to marriage. Here is what it says about itself 37-year-old Benedict, who was previously known for its persistence (12 years old actor met with his counterpart, Olivia Poulet - the couple broke up in January, 2011):

This is really lovely - soon to marry and become a father. I used to think that by the age of 35 I'm getting married and I have children. But now I think I can wait, I will not hurry to get married.

First of all, I would like to know the person and build a relationship of trust, and then later to make commitments.
But before you build trust, you need to be interested in a woman. Here's what he thinks British sex symbol Cumberbatch about female sexuality:
woman who does not need to be dressed up to look good - sexy. A woman who is in a conversation with you can make it so that you will feel smart - too sexy.

I think, a sense of humor - this is important. I also think that anyone who is able to work in a team - sexy. It's like playing doubles tennis. You should be able to work together if you want to build a long term relationship.
Talking about women Cumberbatch and do not forget to mention about yourself. The actor admitted that the third season of Sherlock is waiting for us grown-up (I think a role in this was played by Benedict appearance in the blockbuster "Star Trek: Nemesis," for which he thoroughly pumped up), and even Sherlock macho. No other secrets about his personal life or as a screen actor did not disclose.

As for the "stranger" who accompanied Benedict in celebration of his birthday, it was the Irish actress Charlotte Asprey, which Cumberbatch sign (and, according to insiders close friends) from the time of the drama school. What's relationship actors today - remains a mystery. 

Benedict Cumberbatch in Elle Japan
Benedict Cumberbatch and Charlotte Asprey
Benedict Cumberbatch and Catherine Elizarova in Ibiza (photo taken July 20)  

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