American Idol

American Idol Ryan Plug must sing along with the girls

The American Idol candidate Menderes and Burak Külekci were with their vocal performances in the recall in Cuba not convince and must therefore begin their journey home. Even Ryan Plug was in the meantime the ticket closer to home, as a advancing to the next round. Juror Kay One etched after his appearance: "Today, for me that was just garbage [...] I almost had to puke Vocally was the Asspen..." But the jury was the self-proclaimed "Boy fagot" one last chance and tied them to a particular condition.

"We can not really judge whether the poor performance be that you in you singing pretending or just not a good singer are, "said Dieter Bohlen. The juror explained Ryan out that the jury would like to try it but by now singing along with the women. "Maybe you sing so fine as a woman. Yes you can still visually remain a man," says Dieter. From now on, it goes for Ryan so on with the girls.

American Idol Mendere


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